A breakthrough training + consulting DEI solution for small to mid-sized teams.



Do you ever feel...

· Like your team just isn't "speaking the same language" with DEI?

· Like you can't talk about DEI topics without team members feeling shamed, isolated, or hurt?

· Like you can't even get to "the work" because there's too much unresolvable, unproductive conflict to move through?

· Unclear of where to take DEI work next, or who should be in charge of it? 

· Unsure of what you should even be measuring for, results-wise? 

· Like you'll never be able to find enough funding or support to actually move the needle on DEI in your org?


The DEI Accelerator offers the training and consulting to cultivate inclusion that lasts. 

We’ve helped over 5,000 people across 45+ teams transform their dynamics and create better outcomes with our signature method. We'd be honored to help you next. 


Do you wish you could experience ...

  • Feelings of connection and alignment across your entire team

  • A sense of productivity, with less conflict slowdowns

  • A trauma-informed learning environment

  • Engaging trainings that welcome and teach instead of shaming and polarizing

  • An increased capacity to have difficult conversations about identity on your team

  • A real sense of transformation, but at a sustainable pace

You might be wondering...

Who are we, and why you should trust us?

Hi there! I'm Samira. I am an Organizational Psychologist with 15 years of experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consulting. I created Hyphens and Spaces after feeling frustrated by what seemed like 2 industry extremes in DEI work: prioritize results over people, or be so people-focused that nothing ever gets done. With H+S, we offer a balanced, mature approach to organizational change work from a deeply inclusive lens.

I regularly reference the frameworks I learned in my Master's in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University; and, I merge those theories with my lived experience as a Black Muslim woman, and a non-profit, for profit, and global organizational leader.  

In my career, I've consulted with over 40 organizations to create equitable process and better outcomes for close to 10,000 people, and the millions of people they serve, particularly those most marginalized in society.

While generating those outcomes I use a human-centered approach to organizational development and change that leave team members and clients feeling empowered and connected.

Here’s what our community is saying...

Here’s what’s included in the DEI Accelerator

DEI Trainings

6, game-changing DEI trainings offering the contextual grounding for your team to get on the “same page” with DEI. Distribute these trainings on-demand to your team, without worrying about turnover, absences, or needing to pay for new trainings season after season. Plus, we offer a LIVE training monthly, so your team can always tune in for that added layer of support and accountability.

Strategic Planning

Trainings are great, but what happens once the facilitators leave the room? Here, we offer you a step-by-step process to create or optimize your DEI strategy within your organization. This is the exact system we utilize to support our clients, just delivered to you (and your team) in video/PDF form for greater accessibility.

Live Consulting

Live, bi-weekly consulting sessions for any members of your team. Ask questions, explore any “sticky” points, and find expert-led solutions for navigating the inevitable conflict that arises. Rather than handing this part off, we know how crucial of a role this is, so we’re staffing these sessions with our most senior consultants.


Teams of 30 and under, 6-month commitment.
Larger team? Click here. 

Pay Monthly


6-Month Minimum Commitment

  • Video Trainings Suite (6 essential trainings, noted below, available on-demand for your entire team––current and future)
  • 6 Facilitated Practice Sessions (offered live, monthly, available to your entire team)
  • 2 Workbooks (with 75 pages of supplemental activities)
  • 2 Strategic Working Sessions (our signature guide for creating your DEI vision and strategy)
  • 12 Consulting Calls (hosted live, bimonthly)
  • Unlimited remote consulting (forum to ask questions and receive customized responses from senior consultants on our team)
  • Community forum to build network & share resources

Pay in Full


Same as Pay Monthly but SAVE $510

  • Video Trainings Suite (6 essential trainings, noted below, available on-demand for your entire team––current and future)
  • 6 Facilitated Practice Sessions (offered live, monthly, available to your entire team)
  • 2 Workbooks (with 75 pages of supplemental activities)
  • 2 Strategic Working Sessions (our signature guide for creating your DEI vision and strategy)
  • 12 Consulting Calls (hosted live, bimonthly)
  • Unlimited remote consulting (forum to ask questions and receive customized responses from senior consultants on our team)
  • Community forum to build network & share resources

For teams up to 50,

click here for the monthly payments, or here to pay in full. 

Trainings included in the Accelerator

Included in the DEI Accelerator are 6, game-changing video trainings offering the contextual grounding for your team to get on the “same page” with DEI. Distribute these trainings on-demand to your team, without worrying about turnover, absences, or needing to pay for new trainings season after season. Plus, we offer a LIVE practice session monthly, so your team can always tune in for that added layer of support and accountability. 


The Problem:

People think “privilege” is a bad word… But all people inhabit different positions of privilege, relative to others and their surroundings at all times. 

The problem isn’t power or “privilege”––it's not being aware of how they impact relational dynamics.

What you will learn:

➛ Learn the different types of power in an org, and how to de-stigmatize power––not as something "good" or "bad," but something natural that moves projects forward (or not)

➛ How to reframe power as a “resource”

➛ How power relates to itself within an organization

➛ Where identity comes into the conversation, and how power and identity interact

➛ How to use power and privilege to create action


The Problem:

We often get "in our head" around feelings of inclusion/exclusion––questioning our emotional responses, replaying the details, often leading to a "he said/she said" conflict that goes nowhere... 

Putting a name to experiences of inclusion and exclusion help us process it, address it, and correct behavior so it doesn't happen again. 

What you will learn:

➛ What non-inclusive behaviors are (with real-life examples)

➛ How to develop your “active witnessing” skills––allowing you to go from being a "bystander" to an action-oriented ally

➛What makes an inclusive environment (but with less jargon, and more easy-to-spot, real-life examples)


The Problem:

A lot of people conflate allyship & advocacy, offering one “all or nothing” way to intervene.

This training allows every team member the chance to embody their own expression of "showing up," while allowing them to feel more confident taking action when the time is right, without worrying so much about saying or doing the "wrong thing."

What you will learn:

➛ The key difference between allyship & advocacy

➛ Different ways to model allyship and advocacy

➛ Frameworks to support the development of your own authentic allyship and advocacy


The problem:

This training addresses the issue of terminology––mainly, the conundrum of “I don’t know what to say….” or HOW to say it––without offending someone.

A lot of training with DEI terminology just teaches a bunch of terms, which is not a great use of time. (We do offer a glossary, but what’s more important is the SKILL of cultural competence, which is what allows you to feel more confident interacting with others across difference.)

Get out of the business of getting it “right” and get into the business of being aware of where you’re coming from, and engaging with others with curiosity about where they’re coming from.

What You Will Learn:

âž› How to more confidently and comfortably communicate with people who are very different from you.

âž› How to become more adaptable in shifting your attitudes towards people you disagree with and cultural differences.

âž› How to build awareness of your own cultural worldview, which simultaneously develops your ability to hold other cultural worldviews


The Problem We Address:

Terminology matters, but/and actually engaging with others who are different than us requires a different awareness. This training helps people build connection across differences, without causing harm or overstepping.

What you will learn: 

We will introduce a framework that empowers you to have thoughtful and inviting conversations. This approach allows both you as the listener, and the speaker you're connecting with, to foster meaningful and empowered dialogue.

➛ How to interact with others with relational openness and curiosity

➛ The art of “appreciative inquiry"––which allows you to engage in conversations of identity difference, rather than the trap of problem-solving.

➛ How to foster meaningful and empowered dialogue that enriches both you, the listener, and the speaker.


The Problems We Address:

With people all over the map when it comes to DEI, many teams feel like they’re talking over each other––not dealing with the same set of facts/realities/wavelengths, which further exacerbates conflict and harm. 

Most people don’t know the difference between interpersonal discrimination and structural discrimination, so our strategy to go about solving one problem often gets conflated with the other, and we go nowhere.

Example: Hiring a "diverse" team might be an obvious/shared goal, but what does that look like in the actual procedural process?

What you will learn:

➛ The four dimensions of DEI action as a lens for understanding which dimension you’re working from at any given time.

➛ The pillars of inclusion, and identifying your own approach.

➛ How to listen actively and inclusively, and practice listening with awareness of your “lens,” so you can begin to identify your own “lens” and your teammate’s “lens” to create more alignment in your conversations.

Consulting included in the DEI Accelerator

So you’ve got the training part down––but what happens after the facilitators leave the room?

Tired of the rise and fall of momentum generated post-training, that ends up going… nowhere? Ready for the "real work" to begin?

The consulting portion of the DEI Accelerator is designed to walk your team exactly through the formative process of creating or evolving your team's DEI vision, purpose, and strategy. 

Here’s what’s included:

  • DEI Vision + Purpose-Building. Here, we offer an in-depth guide for beginning (or optimizing) your strategic DEI work in your organization. Even if you’ve already engaged in some DEI vision and strategy work, our process will help your team feel a renewed sense of alignment and direction for years to come. 
  • Guided outlines for two strategic working sessions (with guided video support) and preliminary brainstorming of action items for how to carry your vision forward.
  • Live Consulting Sessions with our senior consultants, available for any member of your team to drop into on a biweekly basis. We know how crucial it is to have an actual, expert human being to stay accountable, supported, and engaged, so we've included this essential piece in the DEI Accelerator.

Common Qs